Easy Christmas Ornament for Music Lovers

I’m happy this week to be joining Rachelle from My Hubbard Home to share home-made ornaments. It is THE BEST distraction from the outside world. You can see all the ornaments we are sharing at the bottom of this post. Welcome, if you’re visiting from Rebecca at Zucchini Sisters. Be sure to visit Niky from The House on Silverado next.

I made an ornament that goes along with one of our COVID past times, music. We have been heavily using music during these last few months to lighten the mood. My husband and my son have both taken a ton of guitar lessons, why not we can’t travel. We have also been using our music jar, explained below.

music ornament

A music themed ornament seems appropriate. This one is so easy, it almost feels like cheating.

Supplies for a Music Ornament

To make this ornament you only need a few things.

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how to make the music instrument

Step 1 – Trace the hoop size on your sheet music with a pencil. Use the outside hoop. Trace your treble clef in pencil. I also tried making a guitar, but it didn’t turn out as good.

Step 2 – Trace the treble clef with your paint pen. I used the fine point to outline the shape and then the broad end to widen certain curves. Cut the circle out.

Step 3 – Enclose the circle in the embroidery hoop and tighten it. Add a ribbon and you’re done.

Before you go, if you like holiday DIYs you might like this Greeting card Christmas tree (the perfect way to show off cards you receive) or check out my Star Wars Christmas ornaments (fun for all ages).

What is the Music Jar?

What is the music jar you ask? Or maybe you didn’t but I’ll tell you anyway. We wrote down 52 bands and singers that we liked on small slips of paper and put them in a jar. Each week we draw out a new band and listen to them at dinner.

Kids these days don’t listen to music with their parents like we did growing up. So it’s a way to pass down the music you liked to your kids so they at least know some of the greats like Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac or Elvis Presley. If you want a complete list of the bands we used, email me and I’m happy to send it to you.

diy Christmas ornament for music lovers

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  1. I absolutely love your creative ornament. Just goes to show you don’t have to do anything extravagant to create something beautiful . Great job and it was such a treat to be part of the creative ornament hop with you. Happy Holidays.

  2. Love that you have taken a terrible year of trial and turned it into not only an inspirational ornament but a way to uplift your family meals. Toss in Buddy Holly for me, Andrea 🙂
    So glad you joined in on the blog hop fun.

  3. Excellent ornament Andrea! I love your music jar too – that is totally cool! Great way to find out what’s playing out in the world these days too! 🙂 So fun hopping with you!

  4. Jim and I met in band at CSU, we were both on scholarships for playing and sat next to each other. I love this ornament and great tutorial!
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Chas, That’s such a great story. What instrument?

  5. Andrea, What a sweet little ornament. I know you could use any paper, but I love the sheets of music. Your music jar is a fascinating idea, how ever did you come up with that? Our children are grown and gone, but I will say that we always listened to a wide variety of music in our home as they were growing up! It is always a delight to hop with you! I can’t wait until Thursday!!

    1. I stole the music jar from a podcast I listen to. I thought it was such a clever idea. I am excited for Thursday too!

  6. I love this post, Andrea! Like yours, my family enjoys listening to a variety of music genres. I love the idea of a music jar. Your ornament is a perfect way to commemorate this year in such a positive way! Thank you for sharing! Pinned!

  7. Oh, I love this! I am actually a professional (classical) pianist, so I MAY be a bit partial to any type of music decor. 😉 And I love the idea of the music jar. I’m going to tell my husband about it! We listen to a lot of music, but always love expanding our repertoire. Thanks for sharing!

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